November 12, 2007
Looking back at FoE: Henry Jenkins' Opening Comments

Now that the week of Futures of Entertainment 2 is upon us, much of our mindspace and time are being dedicated to planning for the conference. In light of that, we thought it might be good to look back at each of last year's events, since this year's panels look to build off the conversations we started at the initial Futures of Entertainment last November. Over the next several posts, we are going to link back to discussions from each of the panels in hopes of providing some starting points of discussion for this year's registrants, many of whom we hope are keeping up with the C3 blog.

For those of you who won't be able to join us this year, we hope these resources from last year's conference gives you some idea of what will be happening here this weekend and serve as a precursor to the live-blogging that will be taking place here on our site and hopefully across many of this year's registrants.

We're going to start out by looking at Henry Jenkins' opening address from last year.

Henry talked about the term convergence and Web 2.0 in his address, citing examples like LonelyGirl15 and Superman tying into the historical precedents of transmedia storytelling. In our coverage of his panel, we wrote:

Henry points out that this started with Superman years ago. Soon after his debut, we saw a radio drama, cartoons, live action serial movies, and many other cross-media products that told Superman stories. As he pointed out, this idea of transmedia storytelling or cross-platform distribution is not new but is just accelerating and changing in the current media environment. He says that comic books in particular have always been transmedia in one way or another, as the Superman model demonstrates. Look, for instance, at the online newspaper for the DC Comics series 52.

The audio of this address is available here, while the video is available here.