August 27, 2007
C3 Team's Look at Fan Studies, Spock, Peer-to-Peer Ads, Consumption Studies

It's Monday afternoon, and I wanted to start our round of posts this week by pointing the way toward some work that some of our Consulting Researchers have been doing of late.

Over at Henry Jenkins' blog, there have been some posts of interest. First, Aswin Punathambekar, one of our Consulting Researchers, recently did a round with Nancy Baym (whose work at Online Fandom we have referenced here on the blog on many different occasions), in the ongoing Gender and Fan Studies conversation that has been occurring throughout the summer. To see the two rounds of their discussion, look here and here.

The 12th round of that discussion took place this past Thursday and Friday, between Catherine Driscoll and Matt Hills. See those conversations here and here.

Considering that I've been guilty of this cultural faux pas myself in the past, I was also amused by Henry's post here about being called the Internet's Dr. Spock and having several confusing Dr. Spock with Mr. Spock of Star Trek fame.

C3 Alum Ilya Vedrashko wrote a piece recently on Google's plans for peer-to-peer ads, through "user-distributed advertisements," patent pending.

Finally, see C3 Consulting Researcher Robert V. Kozinets' piece on consumption studies, which is worth looking at. Rob writes, "An interdisciplinary Consumption Studies would provide for the theorizing of the consumption of research alongside the research of consumption, the business of research production alongside the research of business production and the meaning of consumption research alongside the research of consumption meaning." For those interested in some of the theoretical questions behind consumer research, it's worth taking a look at.